Achieving Good Results in the National Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Popular Science Contest


On July 7th, the results of the East China Area Competition of the 4th Xibei Cup National Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Popular Science Contest hosted by the Physiotherapy Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Rehabilitation Medicine were announced, Binzhou Medical University won 1 second prize and 2 second prizes of the graphic work category in the East China area.

Among them, Smoking Hurts My Heart, and Rehabilitation Comes at Ease, by the team of Li Shuting (2018 class student of Rehabilitation Therapy), under the guidance of professor Jiang Ying of the School of Rehabilitation Medicine, won the first prize of graphic works in East China. The work Long-term ‘Lying Flat’ Organs Forum won the second prize. It came from the team of Meng Weiran and also guided by professor Jiang Ying. The work by the team of Huang Wanyun (2018 class student of Rehabilitation Therapy), under the guidance of professor Zhu Jiahui, won the second prize as well. The three participating teams successfully entered the national competition at the same time.

It is reported that this competition is divided into 7 competition areas to locations, i.e. East China, Central China, South China, North China, Southwest China, Northwest China, and Northeast China. A total of 327 works from more than 110 hospitals, universities and institutions were received, including 124 graphic works and 203 video works. From the excellent works produced in each competition area, 20 video works and 20 graphic works were selected respectively to enter the national competition.

BY: Zhu Jiahui

SOURCE: School of Rehabilitation Medicine