The 4th 2021 Clinical Backbone Teachers Training Class was Successfully Held


From July 3rd to 4th, the University's 4th Clinical Backbone Teachers Training Class was successfully held in Wenbo Lecture Hall of Binzhou Campus. Nearly 100 clinical teachers from 4 affiliated hospitals participated in the class. Vice President Lyu Changjun attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

Lyu Changjun extended a warm welcome to all the experts who had traveled all the way to Binzhou Medical University (BMU) to share their valuable experiences, and sincerely thanked the affiliated hospitals for their support. He expressed his earnest hope that teachers participating in the training would cherish this precious opportunity to learn from the teaching experience of diagnostics in West China School of Medicine and West China Hospital of Sichuan University and to apply them to practical teaching, so as to effectively improve the quality of diagnostics teaching in BMU, make contributions to clinical medicine, and lay a solid foundation for the teaching reforms in clinical medicine.

In the training class, the diagnostics teaching experts from West China School of Medicine and West China HospitalSichuan University used flexible and diverse forms, such as, lectures, group discussions, teaching ward round demonstrations and simulation teaching to respond to new concepts, new methods and new skills in diagnostics teaching. The clinical backbone teachers conducted all-round training, and had heated discussions and in-depth exchanges with the clinical teachers who participated in the training. The atmosphere was enthusiastic, and the participating teachers expressed that they had gained a lot.

The purpose of this training course is to further promote the reform of BMU's 2.5+2.5 training model for clinical medicine, strengthen the construction of teaching team in affiliated hospitals for pathway courses, and comprehensively improve the teaching ability and teaching level of clinical teachers.

BY: Xu Jun

SOURCE: Binzhou Medical University Hospital