Peking University Boya Professor Huang Tao visits BMU


On December 29, Huang Tao, Boya Professor of Peking University, visited Binzhou Medical University (BMU) for academic exchanges and lectures. BMU Vice President Xie Shuyang met with Professor Huang Tao and had in-depth discussions with him. Officials from Department of Science and Technology, School of Public Health, and leaders of relevant departments attended the meeting.

This is a moment of the meeting.

At the meeting, Xie Shuyang welcomed Professor Huang Tao on behalf of BMU and introduced the profile, recent efforts, reforms, and developments of BMU, as well as its development feature of Two Advantages and Two Features. Professor Huang Tao shared information on the practices and achievements of Peking University School of Public Health in terms of faculty, scientific research, and discipline construction. Both sides expressed interest in further deepening exchanges and cooperation, strengthening complementary advantages, and jointly contributing to public health development.

After the meeting, Professor Huang delivered an academic report titled Causal Research in Epidemiology at the Lakeside Academic Lecture Hall of BMU. Professor Huang also shared his team's work and progress in nutritional epidemiology of cardiometabolic comorbidities and nutrition omics studies based on dietary interventions. Over 100 faculty members and graduate students of BMU and key staff members from the Yantai Disease Prevention and Control Center attended the lecture.

This is a view of the venue.

Professor Huang Tao, Ph.D., is a doctoral supervisor, Peking University Boya Professor, Distinguished Professor of the Chang Jiang Scholar Program of the Ministry of Education, Principal Investigator, and Chief Scientist of National Key R&D Program projects.

BY: Hu Zhiyong

SOURCE: School of Public Health