Yantai Affiliated Hospital of Binzhou Medical University published new results in the international medical journal “Pulmonology”


Recently, Dr. Cao Qinghua, Associate Chief Physician and Deputy Director of Department of Pathology of Yantai Affiliated Hospital, published a research paper with the title of “Mixed squamous cell and glandular papilloma of the bronchus” in the international medical journal Pulmonology (JCR Q1, IF: 11.7) as the first author (Volume 30, Issue 1, 2024).

Mixed squamous cell and glandular papilloma(MSGP) is the bronchial papillomas showing mixed squamous cells and glandular epithelium, which is clinically rare. Bronchial epithelial papilloma was first reported in 1980. It accounts for 0.38% of all lung tumors and about 7% of all benign epithelial and mesenchymal tumors of the lung.

MSGP is more common in male patients. About 80% of the patients have a history of smoking, and the median age is 58. This tumor is prevalent in the main bronchi, and is usually exophytic, grayish-white, cauliflower-like. It is easily detached from the trachea accompanied by the production of large amounts of mucus, and causes symptoms of obstruction.

Pulmonology is an English academic journal mainly in the field of respiratory system, which is founded in 2018 and published by ELSEVIER publisher with a publication cycle of 6 issues a year. The journal covers the respiratory system and other fields, aiming to timely, accurately and comprehensively report the experience, scientific research results, technological innovation, academic trends, etc., obtained by domestic and foreign respiratory system workers.

BY: Li Jun

SOURCE: The Second School of Clinical Medicine (Yantai Affiliated Hospital of Binzhou Medical University)