School of Traditional Chinese Medicine


The School of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Binzhou Medical University was founded in 2007, whose predecessor is the Department of General Medicine of Binzhou Medical University. In October 2023, approved by the higher authorities and the University Party Committee, it was officially renamed as it is now from the former School of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine of Binzhou Medical University. It offers five-year undergraduate programs of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Rehabilitation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as postgraduate programs at first-level discipline of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine. The School has over 1,100 full-time students currently.

The school is committed to revitalizing the traditional Chinese medicine and inheriting the culture as its responsibility, forging ahead with determination and innovation while preserving the classics of Chinese medicine. Upholding the high moral value establishment in talent cultivation, it has created a strong academic atmosphere and built a first-class faculty team. At present, there are 45 full-time teachers, 19 professors and 26 lecturers. Among them, 38 have a doctoral degree and three have overseas study experiences. There are one doctoral supervisor and 10 master’s supervisors in the School.

It has seven teaching and research offices, including Basic Theory of TCM, Diagnosis of TCM, Prescription of TCM, Classic Theories of TCM, Clinical TCM, Medical History Literature, Acupuncture and Massotherapy. The specialty of Traditional Chinese Medicine has been listed into the Project of Shandong Province Distinctive Famous University for Applied Talents Training and the Trial Project of Reform on Excellent Doctor (TCM) Education Training Plan of the Ministry of Education and the State Administration of TCM, and it has been approved as first-class undergraduate program of Shandong Province. Additionally, the TCM professional group has been approved as the High-level Applied Program Construction Group of Shandong Province. The School has four teaching laboratories of TCM Diagnostics, TCM Pharmacology, Acupuncture and Massotherapy and TCM Herbarium Room, together with one Chinese Herbal Garden. It has one key discipline of Clinical Integration of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine of the State Administration of TCM, one Collaborative Innovation Center of Universities in Shandong Province, one Key Laboratory of TCM Syndrome Research of Medicine and Health in Shandong Province. Also, the School has five school-level TCM Research Institute and Chinese Medicine Syndromes Research Center.

The School has a mature training system of TCM diagnosis and treatment skills (including TCM Four Diagnosis Training Center, Needle Pushing Technique Training Room, Mock Clinic, In-school TCM Hall, Remote Outpatient Teaching System) and TCM Identification Training System (including Chinese Herbal Garden, TCM Soaking Herbarium Room, TCM Wax Leaf Herbarium Room, TCM Slices Herbarium Room, TCM Counterfeit Herbarium Room, TCM Corridor Display Stand). The Herbal Herbarium Room and Herbal Garden are open to the full-time students of our School, and receive more than 1000 visits every year.

The School promotes quality education in an all-round way, and has successfully built the brand for cultural activity of Chinese Medicine Festival and social practice brand of TCM Health Practice. Students have won a host of honorary titles and achievements in various TCM examinations and skills competitions. Also, it has carried out more than 100 activities, such as TCM Health Practice and Public Welfare Every Week. Hundreds of people have participated in volunteer services, with more than 1,000 joining in publicizing TCM knowledge, serving over 3,000 people. What’s more, the School plays a leading role in talent cultivation, with two people receiving the honor of Self-independence Star of College students, one receiving the 2020 Shandong Outstanding Cadre of Scientific and Technological Association of College Students, three receiving the honorary title Star with Loving Heart for outstanding students. Striving to cultivate students' ability of innovation and entrepreneurship, it sets up the Jingcheng Medical Department College Student Center for Entrepreneurship, and establishes two off-campus Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Internship Bases.

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Tel: 0535-6913187